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亞馬遜發表1種用於實體商店的新支付系統,只需簡單揮動ㄧ隻手。它的新Amazon One掃描,透過使用者手掌的圖像登入,他們在半空中揮動手掌約1秒即可付款。手掌掃描不是全新的技術,已經有一些商用的可行方案。「手掌辨識是基於抓取手掌的靜脈紋」,英國南安普敦大學電子與電腦科學學院的巴塞爾.哈拉克博士解釋。「每支手指與每個人的紋路都不一樣,而且因為他們藏在皮膚表面底下,非常難以偽造」。安全等級與指紋掃描大致上差不多,但可以在相隔幾英吋的距離下使用,讓它的實用性更高。


亚马逊发表1种用于实体商店的新支付系统,只需简单挥动ㄧ只手。它的新Amazon One扫描,透过使用者手掌的图像登入,他们在半空中挥动手掌约1秒即可付款。手掌扫描不是全新的技术,已经有一些商用的可行方案。「手掌辨识是基于抓取手掌的静脉纹」,英国南安普敦大学电子与电脑科学学院的巴塞尔.哈拉克博士解释。「每支手指与每个人的纹路都不一样,而且因为他们藏在皮肤表面底下,非常难以伪造」。安全等级与指纹扫描大致上差不多,但可以在相隔几英吋的距离下使用,让它的实用性更高。



Next step for touch-free payments? Amazon launches palm scanner
Amazon has announced a new payment system for real-world shops which uses a simple wave of the hand.  Its new Amazon One scanner registers an image of the user’s palm, letting them pay by hovering their hand in mid-air "for about a second or so", it says.  Palm scanners are not a brand-new technology, and there are already some commercially available solutions.  Palm scanners are not a brand-new technology, and there are already some commercially available solutions.  "Palm-based identification is based on capturing the vein patterns of the palm," explains Dr Basel Halak of the Electronics and Computer Science School at the University of Southampton.  "These patterns are different for each finger and for each person, and as they are hidden underneath the skin’s surface, forgery is extremely difficult.”  The level of security was roughly similar to a fingerprint scan, but could be used at a distance of a few inches, making it much more practical.


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