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三國時期(220-280AD),吳國有一個叫呂蒙的將軍。呂蒙出生在窮苦人家,小時候沒有機會上學。長大後他參了軍,看書的時間更少了。一次,吳國的皇帝召見呂蒙,對他說:”現在你是大將軍了,應該多看看書 開闊眼界。”呂蒙回答道:"軍中的事務這麼忙,我恐怕沒有時間讀書。"  吳國的皇帝說:"你難道比我還忙嗎?我常常抽空閱讀兵書,從中得到了不少好處。多看看前人的經驗之談,你會有更大的進步。"呂蒙接受了皇帝的建議,從此開始專心閱讀,看了很多歷史和軍事書籍。


一天,主帥魯肅來拜訪呂蒙,驚訝地發現呂蒙變得很有學問。曾經非常輕視呂蒙的魯肅說:”我以為你只會打仗,沒想到你這麼博學。你已經不是過去的那個呂蒙了!"  呂蒙回答道:"即使你和別人只分開了三天,三天後再遇到他時也不能用三天前的老眼光來看待他。"







三国时期(220-280AD),吴国有一个叫吕蒙的将军。吕蒙出生在穷苦人家,小时候没有机会上学。长大后他参了军,看书的时间更少了。一次,吴国的皇帝召见吕蒙,对他说:”现在你是大将军了,应该多看看书开阔眼界。”吕蒙回答道:"军中的事务这么忙,我恐怕没有时间读书。"  吴国的皇帝说:"你难道比我还忙吗?我常常抽空阅读兵书,从中得到了不少好处。多看看前人的经验之谈,你会有更大的进步。"吕蒙接受了皇帝的建议,从此开始专心阅读,看了很多历史和军事书籍。


一天,主帅鲁肃来拜访吕蒙,惊讶地发现吕蒙变得很有学问。曾经非常轻视吕蒙的鲁肃说:”我以为你只会打仗,没想到你这么博学。你已经不是过去的那个吕蒙了!"  吕蒙回答道:"即使你和别人只分开了三天,三天后再遇到他时也不能用三天前的老眼光来看待他。"





Look at someone with new eyes/knock the socks off someone 


Lu Meng was a general of Wu during the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280AD).  He was born in such a poor family that he did not get any chance to go to school when he was a child.  However, there was still less time for reading when he served in the army after he grew up.  Once the king of Wu summoned Lu Meng and said to him, "Since you are now a general in power, you had better read some books to widen your horizon."  Lu Meng answered, "I am so busy with military affairs that I am afraid I have little time to read.”  The King said, "Are you busier than I am? Even I often find time to read books on the art of war and gain many benefits from them. To read more about the experience left by our ancestors will make you progress.”  Lu Meng then did according to what the king said.  He concentrated on reading history and military writings. 


One day, Military Governor Lu Su visited Lu Meng and was surprised to find that Lu Meng had become very knowledgeable.  Lu Su, who held Lu Meng in contempt earlier, said, "I did not expect that you would know so much besides fighting! You are not the one you used to be!”  Lu Meng replied, "You should look at a person with new eyes even only after three days' separation."


Today, when a person does something that causes others to see him differently, we can say that people "look at him with new eyes."

刮目相看Oliver Tu
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