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The Fox and the Grape
The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs
The Mice In Council
The Bat and the Weasel
The Fox and the Crow
The charcoal-burner and the fuller
The cat and the mice
Th old woman and the doctor
The wolf and the lamb
The donkey , the fox and the lion
The lion and the mice
Mercury and the woodman
The north wind and the sun
The crow and the pitcher
The hares and the frogs
The fox and the stork
The milkmaid and her pail
The donkey and the-lap dog
The oak and the reed
The crab and its mother
The farmer and the fortune
The man and the sea
The lion and the fox
The archer and the lion
The parrot and the cat
The traveler and the fortune
The swallow and the crow
The miser
The imposter
The stag and the lion
The monkey and the dolphin
The dog chasing the wolf
The Rose and The Amaranth
The foxes and the river
The wolf and his shadow
The wily lion
The gnat and the lion
The eagle and the fox
The Butcher and his customers
The fox who served the lion
The crow and the snake
The fisherman piping
The farmer and his dogs
The bee-keeper
The wolf and the shepherd
The ant and the grasshopper
The Rooster and the Gem
The Heifer and the Bull
The little boy taking a bath
The frog quack doctor
Mistress and Servant
A wolf in sheep's clothing
The Shepherd Child